Metaverse Customer Satisfaction Model for Islamic Banking Industry in China: A pathway through Perceived Service Quality

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Jannatul Shareat Disha
Effat Ara Laizu


Islamic Shariah compliance plays a pivotal role in shaping customer satisfaction within Islamic banking institutions. However, in the environment of changing technological advancements, the banking industry has entered a new era of metaverse technology. In this case, the customer satisfaction in perspective of Islam is not easy to achieve. Therefore, this study is an attempt to examine the role of Islamic Shariah compliance in customer satisfaction while using metaverse technology in Chinese Islamic banking industry. For this purpose, this study collected data from customers and employees working in Islamic banking industry. The questionnaire was designed for data collected. Questionnaires were distributed by using simple random sampling and 649 questionnaires were returned. It is observed from the results that Islamic Shariah principles govern many aspects of banking operations from financial transactions and investment practices to ethical standards. These Shariah principles have vital importance for customer satisfaction while using metaverse technology. Islamic Shariah principles have positive role to enhance perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. Therefore, banking industry should strengthen Islamic Shariah principles for the implementation of metaverse technology.


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How to Cite
Disha, J. S., & Laizu, E. A. (2024). Metaverse Customer Satisfaction Model for Islamic Banking Industry in China: A pathway through Perceived Service Quality. Journal of Metaverse Business Designs, 5(1), 27-38.

How to Cite

Disha, J. S., & Laizu, E. A. (2024). Metaverse Customer Satisfaction Model for Islamic Banking Industry in China: A pathway through Perceived Service Quality. Journal of Metaverse Business Designs, 5(1), 27-38.