Does Metaverse Trialability, Metaverse Relative Advantage and Metaverse User Satisfaction Influence Metaverse based FinTech Innovation?

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Muhammad Junaid Yousaf


The objective of this study is to address the role of metaverse trialability and metaverse relative advantage in FinTech innovation adoption in Pakistan. Although several previous studies have addressed FinTech innovation in Pakistan through various dimensions, however, the FinTech innovation adoption was not addressed by considering the metaverse technology. The immersive nature of the Metaverse allows users to interact with FinTech innovations in a more intuitive as well as engaging manner, however, it is rarely addressed in Pakistan. This study developed the survey questionnaire to measure the relationship between metaverse trialability and metaverse relative advantage in FinTech innovation adoption. The questionnaire was distributed among the users of metaverse technology among the financial institutions. Data was analyzed by using statistical tools to achieve the study objective. It is found that metaverse trialability and metaverse relative advantage has positive effect on user satisfaction. Similarly, metaverse trialability and metaverse relative advantage has positive effect on FinTech innovation adoption.


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How to Cite
Yousaf, M. J. (2023). Does Metaverse Trialability, Metaverse Relative Advantage and Metaverse User Satisfaction Influence Metaverse based FinTech Innovation?. Journal of Metaverse Business Designs, 4(1), 49-58.

How to Cite

Yousaf, M. J. (2023). Does Metaverse Trialability, Metaverse Relative Advantage and Metaverse User Satisfaction Influence Metaverse based FinTech Innovation?. Journal of Metaverse Business Designs, 4(1), 49-58.