Strategizing Metaverse Growth via Open Innovation Strategies: Insights from the Gaming Industry of Morocco

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Elkotni Laila
Amina Talbi


The growth of the metaverse in the gaming industry is crucial as it drives innovation, creating immersive and interactive experiences that go beyond traditional gameplay. However, the growth of metaverse in the gaming industry is neglected by previous studies. It is a major challenge for the practitioners to enhance technological revolution through metaverse. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the metaverse growth through open innovation strategies in the gaming industry of Morocco. To address this challenge, this study considered the relationship between external knowledge, internal innovation, open innovation and metaverse growth. A survey was considered to collect data from the employees of gaming industry in Morocco. PLS-SEM was employed for data analysis. It is found that open innovation is a strategic tool to enhance metaverse growth. External knowledge and international innovation can increase the open innovation leading to metaverse growth. Results of this study are helpful for practitioners working for gaming industry to enhance technological revolution through metaverse.


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How to Cite
Laila, E., & Talbi, A. (2021). Strategizing Metaverse Growth via Open Innovation Strategies: Insights from the Gaming Industry of Morocco. Journal of Metaverse Business Designs, 2(1), 20-30.

How to Cite

Laila, E., & Talbi, A. (2021). Strategizing Metaverse Growth via Open Innovation Strategies: Insights from the Gaming Industry of Morocco. Journal of Metaverse Business Designs, 2(1), 20-30.